The identity of all competitors is kept a secret.

Description of Competitor: The Competitor has one brand and one main website. This website is marketing itself in at least two different ways. Here is their strategy:

  • They advertise themselves by:
    • having content that teaches people about legal services
    • having a form of “lawyer entertainment” to attract potential lawyer customer
  • They have content that attracts potential lawyer leads, and they sell those leads to different lawyers based on the practice area of the lawyer.
  • Lawyers will have a 1 out of 5 to 1 out of 3 close rate with leads.

The below panel outlines the difference between Law Firm Client Finder and “Branded” Lead Giver. However, we will focus on outlining the attorney on most likely what they will receive with the two different.

With Them: you only have the option of receiving leads.

With Us: you get the power of choice.  You have the option of (1) receiving leads or (2) building a company asset that increases the total value of your company.

  1. If you just want leads, then we can give you leads.
  2. If you want to build a valuable marketing asset while being resourceful with spending, than we can help you there too.  We can help build your brand and the marketing assets that you could sell when retiring, merging with another firm, or being acquired by another firm.

This, if built the right way, can market your company without you doing any work.  Now, mind you, “built the right way” is the keyword as this requires some upfront work.   So I’ll dissect the concept of “you not doing any work” after a good foundation is built.  1 automated system could look like this:

  1. Creation of promotional video
  2. Put video on Facebook to generate leads
    • This will require promotion.
  3. Then have leads call you
    • Or have leads email you
    • Or have leads answer Facebook bot questions to gather some information, then the lead can contact you.

We can build custom lead funnels using: your existing website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other online tools.

Here is the difference between our services and our Single-Branded Lead Giver Competitor

First, a description of what we bring to the table.

We are flexible: If you want to pay for leads than you can pay for leads, $60 per lead, flat rate.  Or, if you would prefer to own a custom-built advertising asset to improve the value of your brand and increase your probability of income growth than we can build an advertising asset for your law firm.

We Offer Law Firm Growth Management: We help piece together how to hit your revenue goals.  In America, we live in a huge economy, and this means that it is possible to reach your personal finance goals and business goals.  However, the road to growth has many twists and turns, and we can help you navigate the potential twists and turns of your business.

We Have Valuable Trade Secrets: I’ll only talk about a couple of these, as they are secrets.  Our knowledge in this field allows us to understand how to reach a massive audience, and quickly build high-quality marketing assets.

We have experience managing $10,000+ per month in ad spend: The reason this is valuable is that we have already learned the hard way what works and what does not work.  This also means we’ve already learned some tough lessons of marketing.  And we can use our knowledge to help you.

We can help you target the specific clients that will help you be more successful.  When you buy leads, you are stuck with whatever person you receive.  Instead, with us, you can say what type of client you would love to work with.

Next, a Description of What Value They Bring To You: They provide leads.  They do not give your business a growth asset.  Next, they will provide you with learning materials, but you most likely won’t even have time to consume those learning materials.

Here is the main reason why you should choose us:

We will build a company asset for you that (1) generates consistent business and (2) increases the overall value of your law firm.